
Our Plate Builder, where you’ll find an extensive selection of badges exclusively sourced, designed, and requested by our valued customers. We would like to emphasize that while we strive to provide a variety of options, we cannot be held responsible for any potential copyright infringement that may arise from these images. It is crucial that our customers ensure the badges they upload comply with all relevant copyright laws.
We would also like to bring to your attention that if you opt to supply badges via email for use on your number plates, it is important to note that Nationwide Number Plates cannot be held accountable for any copyright violations that may occur.
Should you come across any images on our plate builder that you believe infringes upon copyright laws, we encourage you to reach out to us at nationwidenumberplates@gmail.com. Please provide supporting evidence to substantiate your claim, and our dedicated representatives will respond promptly within 48 hours to address your concerns. We take copyright matters seriously and will take appropriate action once any infringement is confirmed.